Ever since the announcement of in 2005, the development of the level 3 of Cascading Style Sheet or better known as CSS3 has been closely watched and monitored by many designers and developers. All of us excited to get our hands on the new features of CSS3 – the text shadows, borders with images, opacity, multiple backgrounds, etc, just to name a few.
As of today, not all selectors of CSS3 are fully supported yet. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun testing new CSS3 stuff. This post is dedicated to all designers and developers who are already familiar with CSS 2.1 and want to get your hands dirty on CSS3.0.
It’s a compilation of useful CSS3 reads, sample codes, tips, tutorials, cheat-sheets and more. Feel free to use them in your projects, just make sure it falls gracefully on incompatible browsers.
Getting Started with CSS3
Introduction to CSS3
An (roadmap) official introduction to CSS and CSS3. This document gives you an overall idea on the development of CSS3.
CSS3: Take design to next level
Advantages of CSS3, with explanations and examples of CSS3 properties and selectors.
Several tricks with CSS3
Webmonkey brings you through several basic tricks in CSS3, including rounded borders, borders, drop shadows, image tricks and more.
Interview: Six questions with Eric Meyer on CSS3
Folks at Six Revision interviewed Eric Meyer with valuable insights and answers on CSS3.
CSS3: Progressive Enhancement
How you can use graceful (or, progressive) enhancement techniques to make use of CSS3 features in browsers that support them, while ensuring that your code will still provide a satisfactory user experience in older browsers that do not yet support those features.
CSS3: Background and Borders
Rounded borders (border-radius)
A guide to creating rounded border with CSS3′s border-radius
Rounded borders with image (border-images)
How to use images in borders with border-image
CSS3 borders, backgrounds and boxes
Detail explanation with examples of new CSS3 properties like: background-clip
, background-origin
, background-attachment
, box-shadow
, box-decoration-break
, border-radius
and border-image
CSS3: Text
Letterpress Effect
Create simple letterpress effect with CSS3.
Six text effects using text shadow
Text effects include: vintage/retro, neon, inset, anaglyphic, fire and board game.
Text emboss
How to correctly add an embossed effect to any text depending on the colors used.
Beautiful typography
How to take basic markup and transform it into an attractive and beautiful typographical design through pure CSS3.
Text Rotation
Uses an image sprite and a sprinkle of CSS to get things positioned right.
Outline Text
How to add an outline, or stroke, to your text using the CSS3 text-stroke
Text masking effect
Interactive text masking effect using the text-shadow
CSS property.
Link nudging (animation) with CSS3
Ditch Javascript and create nudge effect entirely with CSS3.
CSS Selection Styling
Change text selection styling with CSS3.
CSS3: Menu
Multiple-columns content
Using CSS3 to create a set of columns on your website without having to assign individual layers and (or) paragraphs for each column.
Sexy Tooltips with Just CSS
How to use the evolving CSS standard can enhance some lovely cross-browser tooltips.
More tooltips:
CSS3 & jQuery Drop-Down Menu With Integrated Forms
jQuery and CSS3 powered navigation menu that supports integrated forms.
Dropdown menu
How to create a Apple.com alike multi-level dropdown menu using border-radius
, box-shadow
, and text-shadow
CSS3-Only Tabbed Area
Click on a tab, hide all the panels, show the one corresponding to tab just clicked on – all with CSS.
3D Ribbons with CSS3
Create nice looking 3D ribbons with only CSS3.
CSS3: Drop shadow
Drop shadow in image
Showcase several techniques and some of the possible appearances for dropping shadows without using images.
Glow Tabs with Box Shadow
How to create intuitive and beautiful tabs in CSS3 with no image.
CSS3 boxes without using images
15 different styles of boxes without using images. Works in Chrome and Safari.
CSS3: Buttons
Tutorial: Pretty buttons
How to create beautiful cross-browser compliant CSS3 buttons that degrade gracefully.
Tutorial: Dynamic buttons
How to create nice looking, dynamic buttons that are fully scaleable using the new CSS3 properties border-radius
, box-shadow
and RGBa
Speech Bubbles
Various forms of speech bubble effect created with CSS 2.1 and enhanced with CSS3.
BonBon buttons
CSS buttons that are sexy looking, really flexible, but with the most minimalistic markup as possible.
Github alike buttons
Collection of buttons that show what is possible using CSS3 while also maintaining the simplest possible markup.
Spinning, Fading Icons with CSS3 and MooTools
How to use CSS3 and MooTools to create dymanic, rotating elements.
CSS3: transparency and overlay
Opacity and transparency
Create image transparency with CSS3.
Image overlay
Practical application of the CSS3 border-image property.
Cheatsheets & References
CSS3 Cheat Sheet (PDF)
Printable cheatsheat with complete list of all properties, selector types and allows values in the current CSS3 specification from the W3C.
CSS Support in Opera 9.5
Complete list of the supported CSS selectors in Opera 0.5.
Fonts Available for @font-face Embedding
Comprehensive list of fonts currently licensed for @font-face
CSS 3 Selectors – Explained
A guide and reference to CSS3 selectors and its patterns.
Cross-browser CSS3 Rule Generator
CSS3 rules you can copy and paste onto your own stylesheet.
CSS3 Click Chart
Get CSS3 styles like boz sizing, border radious, text shadow, and more within a click.
CSS Content & Browser Compatibility
Complete list of selector tables of both CSS and CSS3 with declaration for browser-compatibility check.
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