Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hongkiat.com: Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Hongkiat.com: Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Posted: 26 Oct 2010 08:23 AM PDT

Moleskine is an Italian brand of high-quality notebooks made in Milan, designed around the black notepads that were popular amongst 19th and 20th century’s artists and writers including Oscar Wilde, Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway and Henri Matisse.

moleskine art preview Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

To generalize Moleskine as a diary and sketchbook is an understatement because given its convenience one can carry it from time to time, place to places which allow them to jot down, scribble or anything at all. Whether it is a special moment or even random encounter, as long as you are mused by it you can jot it down right away. Ways to jotting things down in Moleskine itself is amazing because you can do it anyway you want. This will bring us to the essence to this article.

We gathered 30 magnificent diverse examples of brilliant Moleskine art, ready to muse and amaze

Calling the Wolf

Lady Orlando creates exquisite illustrations in her Moleskine sketchbooks, with a multitude of references to dreams, fairytales and mythology combined with realist and surreal imagery in gorgeous colors. This drawing apparently reflects a dream in which the artist appeared as both Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf. (via Lady Orlando)

1 calling the wolf Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art


This is another beautiful illustrative drawing by Lady Orlando, a depiction of Ophelia inspired by the painting of the same name by British Pre-Raphaelite painter John Everett Millais, which in turn was inspired by the character Ophelia from Shakespeare’s play Hamlet.

2 ophelia Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Letter from Ann Dieu-Le-Veut

This whimsical spread by Lucia Whittaker includes elements of portraiture, maritime art and text, inspired by a letter written by 17th French buccaneer Ann Dieu-Le-Veut, one of the few known female pirates. (via Lucia Whittaker)

3 letter Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Bloody as a Book

Artist Trevor Collin fills his Moleskine books with fascinating collages and drawing combination, such as this spread entitled Bloody as a Book. (via Trevor Collin)

4 bloody as a book Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art


Moleskine books are perfect for art and for keeping diaries; when used for both at the same time there can be some stunning results. Artist Anna Denise keeps a brilliant illustrated journal in her books, such as this spread recording a day out during a holiday in Italy. (via Anna Denise)

5 07282010 Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Harvest Alpaca

The artist filled the first two pages of her new pocket-size Moleskine with this warmly colored double portrait of a girl and an alpaca. (via Deathofrats)

6 harvest alpaca Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Napoli, Piazza Amedeo

This pen and watercolor sketch shows the summery colors and distinctive facades of buildings in the Chiaia neighbourhood of Naples. (via Hillman54)

7 napoli Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Betta Splenden Drawing

Jessica Higgins presents a colorful study of a Siamese fighting fish, sketched in paint and pastels in a Moleskine watercolour pad. (via Jessica Higgins)

8 betta splenden drawing Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art


Anders Pearson produces images of forms that veer between landscape, organic masses and abstraction in his Moleskine artworks. (via Anders Pearson)

9 435 Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art


Tup Wanders drew this character in his Moleskine to appear in a homemade music video for his rock band. (via Tup Wanders)

10 slipperman Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art


There is an understated delicacy about Slumberingheart’s collage spread, which combines found imagery, lace, hand drawn pieces and writing with natural elements. (via Slumberingheart)

11 untitled Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Moleskine N

This dreamlike image was made with red paint, pen, ink and bleach in the artist’s Moleskine sketchbook. (via Mooray)

12 moleskine Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Cahiers 4 & 5

Adam Webb’s brilliant collage is a very simple melding of a bank note and postage stamp, pasted together into a Moleskine notebook. (via Adam Webb)

13 cahiers Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Moleskine Page

This intriguing portrait was the artist’s experiment with colored pencils and acrylic in a battered old Moleskine book. (via Rodrigoluff)

14 moleskine page Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art


Artbwf’s slightly surreal portrait combines collage and scribble elements. (via Artbwf)

15 annxk098 Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art


This brilliant study shows the beastly looking head of a viperfish, a predatory deep water creature. (via Cephalopodwaltz)

16 viperfish Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Dreamt Of

Daren Higham’s landscape spread has a certain science-fiction quality about it. (via Daren Higham)

17 dreamt of Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Place Balard / Paris 15 / France

The artist sketched this scene viewed from a cafe in west Paris on a chilly February day, expertly capturing the detail in the structure of the rail bridge. (via A Lonely Path)

18 place balard Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Ye Auld Acquaintance Club

Trevor Collin’s collage juxtaposes seemingly disparate found imagery into a very pleasing whole. (via Trevor Collin)

19 ye auld acquaintance clu Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art


This fantastical drawing depicts Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent deity of Mesoamerican mythology. (via Ashwings)

20 quetzalcoatl Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Stranger in Town

Another excellent collage spread from artist Trevor Collins, mixing found images, printed text and painting. (via Trevor Collin)

21 stranger in town Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Endless Moleskine

Shiego Satoh’s collage also uses found images, layered up with textured paper, to create an interesting Moleskine spread. (via Shigeo Satoh)

22 endless Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Moleskine IV

The artist used a Faber-Castell technical pen and watercolor paints to make this landscape drawing of a scene in the Carpathian Mountains, close to the Polish town of Zakopane. (via Gom Jabbar)

23 moleskine Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Too Much Cold Medicine Drawing

A dazzlingly colorful psychedelic Moleskine spread by artist Jessica Higgins. (via Jessica Higgins)

24 cold medicine Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Aquarelle Moleskine

Artist Don Pixe painted these ‘en plein air’ studies in one of Moleskine’s tiny watercolor sketchpads. (via Don Pixe)

25 aquarelle Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art


Kostyantyn Honchar’s pastel portrait has a light dreamlike quality. (via Kostyantyn Honchar)

26 april Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art


This spread uses collaged images and text to create a diary page, summing up a week’s events with simple visual elements. (via Punctuated)

27 untitled Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Memory of My Favorite Things

This amazing piece of Moleskine art takes its inspiration from some of artist Gustav Klim’s favorite things, including painter Johannes Vermeer masterpiece The Girl with a Pearl Earring and Vincent van Gogh’s Chair. (via Gustav Klim)

28 memory Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

It’s a Small World

This is another beautiful drawing from Gustav Klim, a portrait of the artist’s son made in a small Moleskine sketchpad. (via Gustav Klim)

29 small world Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

Moleskine Sample

Finally, an exquisitely handled drawing of illustrator Mary Carter’s Green-cheeked Conure bird called Misha, another fine example of amazing Moleskine art. (via Blue Fish)

30 moleskine Showcase of Creative Moleskine Art

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